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Unexpected Encounters in the Desert

Unexpected Encounters in the Desert (2017) 30 x 40 cm Metal Etching on Paper

Unexpected Encounters in the Desert (2017) 30 x 40 cm Metal Etching on Paper

I have finished another semester at TAFE. I particularly enjoyed my printmaking course, this time learning both intaglio and relief printmaking techniques. The print above has been created using a metal etching technique. A metal plate is coated with bitumen, then a design is scratched into it to and the plate is placed in acid. The acid eats into the exposed metal where the bitumen has been scratched away, thus etching lines. Larger tonal surfaces can be achieved by a similar technique of painting bitumen onto the plate. To create the print, ink is rubbed into the plate and it is then placed facing upwards on the press, with wet paper placed over it, before running it through the printing press. This technique is known as “intaglio” printmaking.

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